For now, I have taken a different plan: I only edit on days that end in the number “5”, and then only 5 edits (plus or minus 1).

  1. I have determined there are three types of Wikipedia edits:
    1. Those that relate to a category of article.
    2. Those that are from articles drawn from the deck.
    3. Those that are administrative in nature.
  2. I have determined that I shall maintain separate accounts for each.
    1. 力猫 is related to article categorization.

    2. 力百 is related to random articles.

      Wikipedia, Shard 1 of 10000

    3. 力 is used for other purposes; however 力停 is used for all Recent Changes Patrolling.

  3. Additional Watchlist Settings
    1. 力猫:Only categories are watchlisted. All revisions are shown.
    2. 力百:All randomly-selected articles (and derivative changes) are permanently watchlisted on edit. All revisions are shown.
    3. 力停:A high volume of articles and project pages are watchlisted.