What are the topics of “elementary math” that need to be taught before the sixth grade?

/red this assumes a roughly “average” development; for precocious students this might all be taught by the second or third grade.

  1. Numbers
    1. the digits 0-9. recognize them. vocalize them. what is “four”?
    2. digit ordering and counting.
    3. place value. double-digit and triple-digit numbers.
    4. negative numbers.
  2. Addition and Subtraction
    1. math as “word problem” - “there were 3 dogs. one went away. how many were left?”
    2. math as algorithm - carrying digits
  3. Multiplication
    1. 3*6 = 6+6+6
    2. (( I maintain that rote learning is the best way to learn the times tables for single-digits. ))
    3. math as algorithm - chained multiplication
  4. Fractions and Division
    1. What is half a pie? Why do we write “1/2”?
    2. “Long division” - not worth dwelling on
  5. Other math
    1. Exponents, modulus

“Algebra” and “Pre-Algebra” are after this. Logarithms are after this. “X + 3 = 8” problem solving is after this.