The LORD gave us 4 dimensions, and made 3 of them SPACELIKE (good, positive, imaginary) and one of them TIMELIKE (bad, negative, real).

Only the bad dimension is real. The others are entangled through the Strong force.

We move willy-nilly through space, but time's arrow stands firm.

Question 1

It is easy to forget, but outside the realm of LIFE, nothing moves of its own volition. The suns and moons move via gravity, following Time's Arrow ceaselessly.

Electromagnetism is just the exclusion principle. Protons can't be in the same space, and neither can electrons. Quarks are an illusion. Neutrons ... surely they exist, and aren't just an artifact of mass-distortion due to the forces involved? Well, neutron radiation certainly exists.

Question 2

Is FTL communication possible?

Question 3

How did mobility evolve? Brownian Motion is easy to explain, but what makes a flagellum flap?